Getting fee waivers ( at least partial) is very rare cases at SJSU. If you have exceptional profile then you might get fee waiver. The following is applicable to every department at SJSU.
Teaching Assistant ( TA) : TA'ship is completely based on your knowledge and teaching skills, you need to be super proactive to get TAship in the first semester of your graduate study. Thing that you might need to do to get TA ship in first semester are :
1. Find out which professor offers which courses.
2. Find out the fields of interest that match your expertise.
3. Drop an email to the professor about your skills and expertise in that particular field/course focusing on what all you have done like projects,thesis,internship during your undergraduate study.
4. Finally meet professor in person by checking the office hours.
Now lets move on to the benefits of being a TA
Benefits of TA'ship:
1. fee waiver upto 2 courses which is approximately $3000 along with the Montly stipend of $354.
2. You will build a Professional Network and links with industry. Because, when you work under a professor, for sure he/she is going to have a tie up with industries all around.
3. Knowledge,Happiness is only when it is shared! so, you will definitely reach to a point where it make u feel happy about yourself being learnt something and shared what you know with the students.
Duties of TA would typically involve teaching.
Student Assistant, Instructional Student Assistant ( SA, ISA) :
This is a hourly basis( varies from $10.50 to $12 ) job in respective departments. Duties involve grading, proctoring.
Same is the case with Research Assistantship (RA) you will need to work on a project under a professor. and pay varies based on the project your working on and the professor.
read more about from SJSU Website :
Here is another post on Working On-Campus,Offcampus :
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